Chaine de lecture de Tehilim Shmuel ben Leah

Max (Shmuel ben Leah) Byer's family has asked that we pray for his spiritual peace in this time of need. The following update was given recently. This is Max’s family reaching out to update you all re: Max’s current health status. For those of you who haven’t heard, Max started a clinical trial in Nashville earlier this month, but unfortunately, the cancer continues to spread aggressively and he is considerably sicker. Over the past week, Leah Beth and Stu have been working tirelessly with doctors in NY and Nashville to try and medjet Max back home to Jersey City so family and friends may visit. However, as Max’s health deteriorates, they consulted with his doctors and made the difficult decision to keep Max in Nashville for now because that’s the safest thing for him. Max is sleeping a lot more and is on a lot of medications, but if you know Max (which clearly, you do!) then you know that, more than anything, he loves to hear from you - - his friends and family! Please, feel free to comment back to this post or send a personal message to any of the five of us and we’ll share it with him when he’s awake. In the coming days / weeks, we’ll post more updates here and in the Team Max FB Group (see below). Thanks to all of you who support Max in so very many ways.
Je ne veux pas lire de tehilim
Je veux lire à nouveau un Tehillim
Trouvez moi un autre Psaume
Merci, peut-etre une prochaine fois.

J'ai fini de lire ce Psaume

Statistique de lecture :
  • Nombre de livres de Tehilim ouvert:
  • Nombre de livres de Tehilim lus en entier: 0
  • Nombre de Tehilim lus dans le livre courant:
  • Nombre de Tehilim en cours de lecture:

Lien de lecture et de diffusion :
  1. Répandez le lien par email, twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook etc.
  2. Chaque personne qui accède au lien, recevra automatiquement un psaume différent du livre.
  3. Chacun peut lire autant de psaume qu'il le désire.
de cette facon la lecture du livre de Tehilim pourra se terminer (meme plusieurs fois) dans un court laps de temps avec la participation d'un plus grand nombre de personnes pour le bonne santé de vos proches.